Santa Rocks
A rock collector is sent on a special mission by Santa
In the pursuit of stolen gifts, a boy finds himself in unusual places.
The Great Treasure Hunt Read More »
A thirteen-year-old loves sledding, but with only one leg, it’s a dream she thinks she has lost
A case of mistaken identity Tommy, known by his family as Bear, hugged his stuffed football, looked around his living room, and smiled. He’d been in that hospital forever, getting the tumor in his brain fixed. Now he was home just in time for Christmas. His mommy was in the kitchen, making his Christmas Eve
The Boy Who Saved Santa Read More »
A boy’s super hero action figure comes to life This was the biggest car four-year-old Mathis Shroyer had ever seen. Big enough to hold his mommy and daddy and his two big brothers and his grandparents and more! He sat in the very back with his mom and pushed all the interesting-looking buttons. His mom
Mathis and Spiderman Read More »
A whistle beckons the most precious gift of all Glancing inside the charming home in Prairie Village, Kansas, on Christmas Eve, you see a typical suburban family — a mom and two teenagers enjoying a chili lunch. The stockings are hung on the mantle, including one for their pug Eva. The tree is festooned with
A paralyzed girl gets the keys The man shivers and leans heavily on his cane as he makes his way up the dark sidewalk. The suburban home is brightly lit and the driveway is packed with cars. Nearing the porch, he hears laughter and talking, and he pauses. As the Chief Elf of the Elves of
Patti Elliot smiles, seeing the excitement on her son’s face. Normally, 18-year-old Riley Pfannenstiel, who is struggling with a malignant brain tumor, has to lay on the couch, conserving his energy. But tonight, December 24, he sits on the edge of the hearth, his eyes shining, his coat zipped. He has already double-checked to make sure